Jual Alat Uji Laboratorium Teknik Sipil Di Surabaya

Jual Alat Uji Laboratorium Teknik Sipil Di Surabaya

Jual Alat Uji Laboratorium Teknik Sipil Di Surabaya

"Compression Machine" / Kompresi Mesin / Alat Uji Tekan Beton / Alat Uji Kuat Beton,

"Concrete Cube Mold" / Cetakan Kubus Beton,

"Conncrete Cylinder Mold" / Cetakan Silinder Beton,

"Slump Test" / Alat Uji Kekakuan Beton Press,

"Hammer Test" / Alat Uji Beton Yang Sudah Jadi / Palu Uji,

"Hydraulic Concrete Beam Testing Machine" / Alat Uji Patah Beton / Alat Uji Lentur Beton,

"Air Content Of Fresh Mixed Concrete" / Alat Uji Kadar Udara Beton press,

"Calibration Anvil" / Alat Menguji Penghitungan Palu Uji Apakah Masih BIsa Di Pakai Atau Tidak,

"Laboratory Mixer Concrete" / Alat Pengaduk Beton Press,


"Hand Bor"

"Standard Penetration Test"

"Sample Extruder Elektrik"

"Dynamic Cone Penetrometer"

"Tube Density Sampler"

"Corps Of Engineer Soil Surface"

"Dutch Cone Penetrometer / Sondir"

"Plate Bearing Test Set"

"Field Cbr Test Set"

"Proving Ring Penetrometer"

"Tva Penetrometer"

"Liquid Limit Test Set"

"Plastic Limit Test Set"

"Shrinkage Limit Test Set"

"Hydrometer Analysis Test Set"

'Mechanical End Over End Shaker"

"Vacuum Stand"

"Specific Gravity (Heating Method)"

"Compaction Test Set"

"Laboratory Cbr Test Set"

"Combination Permeameter"

"Compaction Permeameter Test Set"

"Sand Cone Test Set"

"Speedy Moisture Tester"

"Moisture Content Test Set"

"Unconfined Compression Machine"

"Consolidation Test Set"

"Direct Shear Test Set"

"Triaxial Test Set"


Irwan Maulana

Phone / Wa

